Mrs. Tallamy offers workshops for teachers, music associations, and music clubs to share her philosophy and experience as an independent music teacher.
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Available Workshops and Presentations
Conceive, Create, Complete
Shaping Musical Minds Through Composition
Description: Composition rounds out the music student’s identity as they not only study the musical masters of the past and prepare for future performance, but also engage with music as an art creator themselves. Composition is highly personal. It connects us with our peers, aids creativity in students who are struggling, and allows us to hold space for students who are hurting. Through composition instruction and compositional opportunity, we show students how to open the door to being a creator.
Presentation Slides: Slides are available for viewing below as a preview and reference for workshop attenders.
Video archive (for previous participants; password required)
So You Want to be Famous?
How to use composition and celebrity culture to inspire student growth
Description: The promise of being published intrigues the mind (and motivates the hands) of today’s celebrity-minded students. Learn composition teaching tips, self-publishing know-how and starmaker tricks.
Workshop Summary
Glasses clink. Voices murmur. The composer enters. He walks to the piano. Sits and prepares to debut his latest composition. He does so with panache. The crowd applauds—beams. He autographs copies of his printed work. It’s Hollywood. It’s a beaming mahogany concert hall.
Or maybe it’s the everyday studio of the Independent Music Teacher. Our composer? An inspired music student. The audience? The warmest kind—family and friends.
Today’s technology, easy-to-maneuver composition applications and affordable self-publishing options make publishing original compositions accessible to the everyday music teacher and her students. The promise of being “published” intrigues the minds (and often motivates the hands) of today’s celebrity-minded students. The combination adds a modern perk to the independent studio and inspires music learning on a whole new level.
The presentation opens with a brief introduction highlighting the benefit of teaching reading, writing and “speaking” (improvisation) music with equal emphasis. The emphasis of the talk will focus on composition and include:
Tips on incorporating composition in the regular teaching schedule for all student levels. Teachers will be given ideas on how to mentor a composition without interfering with the young student’s unique creative process.
Discussion of digitizing a composition (including ideal printing formats) and preparing it for print through affordable printing options.
Basic business guidance including copyright law, royalty agreements and ISBN numbers.
Insight into how to create a professional, studio-centric product.
Ideas on incorporating social media, best-of awards and other “celebrity tricks” in the composition process.