COVID-19 POLICY/CHANGES: Participants in the 2022 Spring Festival will be IN-PERSONat Riverside High School. Rooms will have fewer performers and siblings will be assigned to the same room. One parent per student may accompany the student.

Music for this event: 

* Should be part of daily practice beginning in the Fall

* MUST be memorized

* Includes TWO assigned music selections

* Requires close attention to technical detail


If you would like to volunteer as a page (6th grade or higher), be sure to check the box on your registration form.  Pages serve the judges by running errands and checking rating sheets. Pages receive volunteer credit hours for their participation in this event.

Spring Festival Guidelines

  • Bring original music-- no photocopies allowed.

  • Be sure to number the measures of your music.

  • Bring your rating sheet provided by your teacher. You should have 2 copies.

  • Please be mindful of your Piano Performance Etiquette.

  • You must stay your entire hour-- until all the students in your group have performed.

  • Do not arrive more than 15 minutes before your performance time.

  • You are not required to check-in. Please wait in the waiting area until your hour is called.

  • There is not a final assembly. You may leave when your hour is dismissed. Ratings are delivered to your teacher within 5 days of your performance.

Categories of Piano Mastery

The Festival Rating Sheet considers five areas of piano mastery: 

  1. Memory

  2. Accuracy (correct notes, marks of expression, note values)

  3. Rhythm (appropriate tempo, continuity, control, steadiness of beat)

  4. Technique (body posture, fingering, hand position, pedal)

  5. Musicianship (articulation, balance, dynamics, style, phrasing, tone)

You are scored on a scale of 1 to 5 by two judges. 

  • 5 is Superior

  • 4 is Excellent

  • 3 is Satisfactory

  • 2 is Fair

  • 1 Needs Improvement