
Welcome to Little Ears Music Studio!

We are excited to have your family join our community! Before we move forward, there are some things I'd like to know about you and some things I'd like you to know about me.


Email: Littleearsmusicschool@gmail.com

These are often group emails-- please double check that your spam filter doesn't flag this address. I am highly accessible through this email-- so please don't hesitate to write to me here.

Text or Voicemail: 703.728.0425

Text and email are the best ways to communicate with me at any given time. You may also use my home phone: 703.443.9344 -- but please do not leave a message at this number. It is unlikely to be checked in a timely manner.

STEP 1: We have a philosophy here that music should be fun and should be studied at a pace that makes sense for each student and their family. Take a moment to read how things work "In the Music Room."

STEP 2: There are a few things I need to be sure you know. Please read our STUDIO GUIDELINES together as a family and provide your electronic signature. 

STEP 3: There's lots of things I need to know to create the most ideal music environment for you and your family. It's a bit long so grab a cuppa and provide your STUDENT REGISTRATION

ADULT Students should register HERE.

STEP 4: There's always the business part of our working together. Often, we become or perhaps already are, good friends. However as our relationship grows (as I hope it will) please remember this is my business-- tuition should be remitted in a timely manner and treated as you would any other financial obligation. ALWAYS remember, we understand the ups and downs of a family's financial life. If you have any concerns about your music tuition, please chat with me so that we can work together.

There are three ways you can take care of your fees:

  • Pay ONLINE. This is our preferred method of payment. You will receive a monthly/quarterly tuition invoice with a link to the payment portal.

  • Setup autopay using my home address listed at the bottom of this page as your Payee.

  • Send in a check at the first lesson of each month made payable to Christy Tallamy.

Whatever you choose, your tuition is due by the 1st of each month.