Student of the Month

The Little Ears Student of the Month program recognizes students who are committed to continuous musical exploration. Students are chosen based on their attitude, determination, preparation and growth. This is not the "best" student or the "favorite" student, but an individual who is striving towards musical excellence within their own abilities.  

The Student of the Month has their picture permanently added to the Wall of Fame, receives a book of their choice to add to their music library and a special recognition charm on their music-chain. They will also be recognized at the June Recital. 

A Few Tangible Ways to be Considered

  • Can-do attitude and willingness to try (even when frustrations set in)

  • Regular time spent at the piano (yes, your teacher does know if you practice or not)

  • Signed practice forms

  • Improved attention to musical nuances such as dynamics, phrasing, and tempos

  • Regular use of the metronome

  • Improvement in Theory Knowledge (completing theory assignments, note naming, key recognition and so forth) 


Students of the Month










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Annual Studio Awards

Studio awards recognize student progress throughout the year. Awards recognize different areas of growth, development and commitment. They are presented at the End of Year recital.

The Catherine Award
This special recognition will go to the student who shows dedication to both technical skill and musical excellence.  All areas will be taken into consideration: integration of music into other areas of their life, practice etiquette and commitment, attentiveness in class, theory (knowledge of music), expression (heart of music), and musicianship. 

The Clare Award: Family Award
This recognition will go to the family who has consistently supported musical growth within the home. This family has shown a commitment to their student’s musical life and to the studio community. .

The Jillian Award
This special recognition will be given to the student who studies music on their own terms— learning the skills most useful to their musical lives. This student has the ability to discern the role that music will play in their lives and pursues the skills necessary to meet that goal. This award considers both technical piano skill, artistry and musical life. This award is not about perfect playing but about heartfelt playing.


Studio Award Recipients

Jackson Sutton (Catherine Award)
Weimer Family (Clare Award)
Luke Solomon (Jillian Award)

Kai Gamboa (Catherine Award)
Turner Family (Clare Award)
Robert Clark (Jillian Award)

Jacqueline Janicki (Catherine Award)
Witt Family (Clare Award)
Patrick Reaser (Jillian Award)

Kylie Witt (Catherine Award)
Lowry Family (Clare Award)
Isabelle Lowry (Jillian Award)

Jacqueline Janicki (Catherine Award)
Reaser Family (Clare Award)
Peter Henry (Jillian Award)

Catherine Janicki
Clare Tallamy
Jillian Chubbuk

In 2019 we changed the names of our Studio Awards
to honor our first three high school graduates.

Clark Family (Practice Stars)
Luke Solomon (Spirit of the Music)
Lauren Robinson (Most Improved)

Ehrhardt Family (Practice Stars)
Catherine Janicki (Spirit of the Music)
Christopher Rodrigues (Most Improved)

The Erickson Family (Practice Stars)
Isa Pojeta (Spirit of the Music)
Kate Ehrhardt (Most Improved)

The Williams Family (Practice Stars)
Ashely Zbinden (Spirit of the Music)
Addie Grinnell (Most Improved)

The Janicki Family (Practice Stars)
Jason MIller (Spirit of the music)
Andrew Kolebuck (Most Improved Pianist)

Isa Pojeta (Most Improved Pianist)
Katherine Dotson (Practice Star)
Davis Taliaferro (Spirit of the Music) 


Project Composition Awards

Project Composition develops and encourages the unique creativity of each our students. Each year we recognize our student contributions to the Project.

Cover Art Award
A friendly competition is held each year to choose the cover art for the composition book. Students are given a starting theme and the winning selection will creatively connect the theme to our music making community.

Outstanding Composition Award
This award is given to the students who show excellence is their composition skills and creativity. Beginning in 2019 two awards are given, one to an early study student (years 1-3), and one to an advancing student (4+ years).

Composition Honor
The selections in this category recognize excellent composition and unique artistry. These pieces will be honored by being included in the following year’s teaching curriculum.

Composition Award Recipients

2023-2024 - Volume 7
Patrick Reaser (Cover Art)
Wren Gamboa (Outstanding Early Study)
Caleb Caldwell (Outstanding Elementary Study)
Robert Clark (Outstanding Advancing study)
Dhruv Kharidi (Honorable Mention)

2022-2023 - Volume 6
Kayla Burton (Cover Art)
Sabrina Becek & Abi Mullen (Outstanding Early Study)
John Clark (Outstanding Advancing)
Dhruv Kharidi (Honor)

2021-2022 - Volume 5
Kayla Burton (Cover Art)
Natasha Gamboa (Outstanding Early Study)
Kai Gamboa (Outstanding Advancing)
Jacqueline Janicki (Honor)
Victoria Becek (Honor)

2020-2021- Volume 4
Jacqueline Janicki (Cover Art)
Victoria Becek (Outstanding Early Study)
Jacqueline Janicki (Outstanding Advancing)
Lili Williams (Honor)
Kai Gamboa (Honor)
Isabelle Lowry (Honor)
Luke Solomon (Honor)

2018-2019 - Volume 3
Peter Henry (Cover Art)
Maddie Hickman (Outstanding Early Study)
Catherine Janicki (Outstanding Advancing)

2017-2018 - Volume 2
Elly Hickman (Cover Art)
Lexi Ehrhardt (Outstanding)

2016-2017 - Volume 1
Isabela Pojeta (Cover Art)
Lili Williams (Outstanding)